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Directions of Angling Activities in General Area   within Dongsha Atoll National Park

  • PostDate:2014-07-15 00:00

1.The Marine National Park Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the MNPH) hereby establishes the following Directions to give effect to Article 14 of the National Park Law regarding the management of authorized angling activities in general areas or recreation areas.

2.Activity Zone: The general waters between the tetrapod west of the sixth strongpoint to the tetrapod east of the seventh strongpoint on the Dongsha Island shall be the angling zone (please see map).


a.The island unit shall prepare and provide angling safety maintenance measures to the MNPH as a case application for authorization. The MNPH management shall provide angling vests and rulers, which shall be returned to the management by December 31st of the same year.

b.Personnel not included in the previous paragraph shall apply for authorization by the MNPH management, and return the angling vests and rulers provided by the management by the end of the activity that day.

4.Angling activities shall be limited to 25 people per day. Vests provided by the MNPH must be worn while angling.

5.Regulations regarding angling activities are as follows:

a.Activity time: Every day from 06:00 to 18:00.

b.Prohibited catch species:

i.Protected species as under the Wildlife Conservation Act.

ii.Shark, stingray, sharp-nose garden eel, humphead parrotfish, humphead wrasse (Napoleon fish), Dongsha humphead wrasse, and other rare fishes.

c.Size limit: Catch with full body length under 15cm must be released alive into the water, and must not be taken away.

d.Number limit: Each person is allowed 3 catches per day. It is prohibited to leave Dongsha Island with a catch.

e.Angling methods:

i.Angling on a tetrapod is not allowed.

ii.Each person is limited to one fishing rod and two hooks.

iii.Scattering bait and thereby polluting the water is prohibited.

iv.Using live bait or organisms from Dongsha Island as bait is prohibited.

f.Miscellaneous: Please cooperate with resource investigation and monitoring processes when participating in angling activities.

6.In the event of a typhoon warning or other emergency incident, the MNPH shall issue emergency measures prohibiting angling activities; all angling authorizations shall automatically be invalid during such incidents.