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Statistical Handbook of Interior, R.O.C. Not for sell


Statistical Yearbook of Interior, R.O.C. NT:600.

An Outline of Interior affairs, R.O.C.

Not for sell
  Abridged Life Tables in Taiwan and Fuchien Area. NT:300.
  Abridged Life Tables in Taiwan and Fuchien Area.
(Abstract Version)
  Report on the Survey of Citizens' Life Status in Taiwan Area. NT:300.
  Lift Tables of Taiwan Area.(1980~1981,1989~1991) NT:400.
Irregular Report on Civil Organizational Activities Condition Survey , Republic of China,2004 NT:300.
  Definition of Interior Statistics Applied Terms, R.O.C. NT:300.
  Report on the Life Status Survey of Indigenous People in City of   Taiwan Area.(1996) NT:300.
*sold out
  Report on the Survey of Religious Associations' Status in Taiwan Area.(1993) NT:250.
*sold out
  Report on the Census of Religious Associations' Status in Taiwan Area.(1995) NT:400.
*sold out