113-05-28 | 113-06-11 | 合作及人民團體司 | 教育會法 | Educational Association Act |
113-05-28 | 113-06-11 | 合作及人民團體司 | 儲蓄互助社法 | Credit Union Act |
113-05-23 | 113-06-06 | | 內政部空中勤務總隊組織法 | Organization Act of National Air Service Corps, Ministry of the Interior |
113-05-13 | 113-05-27 | 內政部地政司 | 地籍清理條例 | Cadastral Clearance Act |
113-05-13 | 113-05-27 | 內政部地政司 | 土地法 | The Land Act |
113-05-13 | 113-05-27 | 內政部地政司 | 土地法施行法 | Enforcement Act of Land Act |
113-05-07 | 113-05-21 | 內政部建築研究所 | 內政部建築研究所組織法 | Organic Act of the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior |
113-05-03 | 113-05-17 | 內政部地政司 | 平均地權條例 | The Equalization of Land Rights Act |
113-05-03 | 113-05-17 | 內政部地政司 | 農村社區土地重劃條例 | Rural Community Land Readjustment Act |
113-05-02 | 113-05-16 | | 內政部移民署各類人民申請案件處理時限表 | The National Immigration Agency Application Processing Time Standards |
113-03-11 | 113-03-25 | | 入出國及移民法施行細則 | The Enforcement Rules of the Immigration Act |
113-04-30 | 113-05-14 | 內政部民政司 | 總統副總統選舉罷免法 | Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election and Recall Act |
113-04-30 | 113-05-14 | 內政部民政司 | 公職人員選舉罷免法 | Public Officials Election and Recall Act |
113-04-18 | 113-05-02 | 內政部建築研究所 | 建築物預鑄率評定專業機構申請指定作業要點 | Operation Directions for the Accreditation of Building Precast Rate for Evaluation Organizations |
113-04-18 | 113-05-02 | 內政部建築研究所 | 建築物預鑄率申請評定作業要點 | Operation Directions of Applying Accreditation for Building Precast Rate |
113-04-18 | 113-05-01 | 內政部國家公園署 | 濕地保育法 | Wetland Conservation Act |
113-04-01 | 113-04-15 | 內政部地政司 | 農地重劃條例 | Farmland Readjustment Act |
113-03-29 | 113-04-12 | 內政部移民署 | 人口販運被害人及疑似人口販運被害人安置服務管理規則 | Regulations Governing the Placement Services of Victims and Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking |
113-03-26 | 113-04-09 | 內政部移民署 | 人口販運被害人居留及專案永久居留許可辦法 | Regulations Governing the Residence, and the Ad Hoc Permanent Residence for Human Trafficking Victims |
113-03-29 | 113-04-12 | 內政部移民署 | 人口販運被害人及疑似人口販運被害人協助辦法 | Regulations for the Assistance of Victims or Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking |