113-08-22 | 113-09-05 | 民政司 | 地方民意代表費用支給及村里長事務補助費補助條例 | The Regulation on Allowances for Elected Representatives and Subsidies for Chiefs of Village |
113-08-21 | 113-09-04 | | | Urban Planning Act |
113-08-21 | 113-09-05 | 內政部建築研究所 | 申請指定建築物預鑄率評定專業機構規費收費標準 | Fee-charging Standards for the Application of Designated Professional Institutions for Building Precast Rate Evaluation |
113-08-13 | 113-08-27 | 民政司 | 地方制度法 | Local Government Act |
113-08-09 | 113-08-23 | 內政部地政司 | 土地徵收條例 | Land Expropriation Act |
113-07-18 | 113-08-01 | 內政部建築研究所 | 申請指定綠建築綠建材智慧建築標章及建築能效標示評定專業機構收費標準 | Fee-charging Standards of the Accreditation of Green Building Label, Green Building Material Label, Intelligent Building Label and Building Energy-Efficiency Label Evaluation Organizations |
113-07-18 | 113-08-01 | 內政部建築研究所 | 綠建築標章及建築能效標示規費收費標準 | Fee-charging Standards of Green Building and Building Energy-Efficiency Label |
113-07-10 | 113-07-24 | 戶政司 | 姓名條例 | Name Act |
113-07-03 | 113-07-17 | 內政部國土管理署 | 工程受益費徵收條例 | Act for Collection of Community Development Fees by Construction Project |
113-07-03 | 113-07-17 | 內政部國土管理署 | 行人交通安全設施條例 | Pedestrian Traffic Safety Facilities Act |
113-07-03 | 113-07-17 | 內政部國土管理組 | 共同管道法 | Common Duct Act |
113-07-03 | 113-07-17 | 內政部國土管理署 | 市區道路條例 | Urban Road Act |
113-07-02 | 113-07-16 | 內政部國土管理署 | 下水道法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of Sewerage Act |
113-07-02 | 113-07-16 | 內政部國土管理署 | 下水道法 | Sewerage Act |
113-07-01 | 113-07-15 | 內政部移民署 | 內政部移民署組織法 | Organization Act of the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior |
113-06-24 | 113-07-09 | | 海岸管理法 | Coastal Zone Management Act |
113-06-04 | 113-06-18 | 內政部建築研究所 | 綠建築標章及建築能效標示評定專業機構申請指定作業要點 | Operation Directions on Applying for the Designated Professional Institutions of Green Building and Building Energy-Efficiency Label Evaluation |
113-06-04 | 113-06-17 | | 國家公園法 | National Park Law |
113-05-30 | 113-06-13 | 戶政司 | 國籍法 | Nationality Act |
113-05-28 | 113-06-11 | 內政部地政司 | 耕地三七五減租條例 | The 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction Act |