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Is there any interpretation service in the Taroko National Park?

The interpretation service system can be divided into interpretation activities and interpretation facilities.
1. Interpretation Activities:
(1) Inquiries Service: Provides questions & answers and other services at the Visitor Center, and at each service center.
(2) Interpretation and Guidance Service: Provides interpretation consultation and guidance service in the tourism and information hall and exhibition room.
(3) Interpreter Service: Gives interpretations and guidance service by an interpreter according to the tour routes.
Make an appointment for interpretation online:
2. Interpretation Facilities:
(1) Exhibition Room: Exhibition rooms in the Visitor Center, Buluowan and Lyushui, Tiansiang, Baiyang, Sacred Tree Service Centers provide pictures, text, photographs, plant or animal samples and specialties for elementary understanding of the national park.
(2) Audio/Visual Services: Provides various information and channels including multimedia, video, DVD, Internet, online audio and video on demand for understanding the national park.
(3) Publications: There are a variety of publications such as books, journals, booklets, pamphlets and souvenirs for in-depth understanding.
(4) Interpretative Signs: there are a variety of interpretative signs and warning signs on the trails and at scenic spots depending on various conditions.
(5) Self-guided Trails: Take a trip to each scenic spot according to the signs, instructions and various interpretations from handouts or other information materials, which give you some opportunities for environmental education.
3. Inquiries Service: (03)8621100 ext 310, 311
Fax: (03)8621263