In order to realize the concept of national sustainable development, the MOI actively builds a new order of national land to effectively respond to the trend of climate change and to ensure safety of national land. Through the establishment of two-tier space planning and division of functional zoning of national land, the MOI completes the permit system for land utilization, integrates management mechanism of national land, guides the proper use of national land, and facilitates effective allocation of resources and industries. The MOI also continues working with various agencies to set up the “Coastal Protection Program” and “Coastal Safeguard Program” to effectively protect coastal natural resources. In addition, the MOI actively protects wetland ecosystem for rational utilization and zero net loss. It will continue cooperating with the relevant agencies, local government, the private sector, and local communities via dialogues and enact important wetland conservation and utilization program bottom up. The public will also be provided with proper professional assistance to protect their rights and maintain functions of detention ponds and biodiversity.
Enacting national land plans for different level for sustainable development
According to Article 9 and 10 of the “Spatial Planning Act,” the central, municipality, and county (city) competent authority shall conduct spatial planning. Thus, the MOI on October 17,2013, announced the basis of national zoning program to complete spatial planning. Municipality and county (city) governments provide guidance and at present, based on the planning draft, each municipality and county (city) will enact its spatial planning. Additionally, in order to complete the Spatial Planning Act, the MOI has been studying relevant set measures and plans to finish 21 items in three phases before the end of 2019.
Enacting comprehensive coastal management program to complete coastal management mechanism
According to Article 8 of the “Coastal Zone Management Act,” the central competent authority shall formulate an integrated coastal zone management plan for the conservation, protection, utilization and management of land in coastal zones as the guidance for overall utilization of coastal areas including integrated management, designation of protection area, location of coast protection area and responsible agencies and terms of management to actively protect natural resources and prevent disasters. The guidance shall be used to screen development projects in coastal zoned, manage their exclusive use and construction of infrastructure, and protect public accesses.
Maintaining diverse functions of wetlands and protect the ecosystem of wetlands
Wetlands include resources of water bodies and rich animal and plant habitats and play an evolutionary platform for important gene bank and breeding of new species. A wetland ecosystem has relatively high economic value and we shall make use of it in the proper time at the proper site with the proper methods and scales and maintain its stability in quality and quantity for the consideration of both ecological health and national welfare, the core spirit for the utilization of wetlands. The MOI will also enhance inter-departmental coordination and resource integration by incorporating with scientific researches and relevant policies to properly allocate conservation resources of wetlands and improve conservation efficiency and outcome of wetlands.