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The Institute of Architecture of the Ministry of the Interior handled the results briefing session on "BIM education and training for social housing application building information modeling and the establishment of BIM procurement contract reference documents and work flow drafting".

  • PostDate:2021-04-21 16:42

This project will hold 3 explanatory meetings in North, Central, and South to share the results of this project. The main purpose is to provide reference applications for government agencies, architects associations, technicians associations, supervision manufacturers and engineering contract manufacturers, etc., to expand the benefits of this case , hopes to promote the application of BIM technology to social housing, provide better living quality for community housing residents, and further promote it to other public projects, and even the overall construction industry, to assist industrial transformation and upgrading and create a win-win niche.
Taipei will be held on May 4, 2021, Taichung will be held on May 7, 2021, and Kaohsiung will be held on May 31, 2021.