113-03-29113-04-12內政部移民署人口販運被害人及疑似人口販運被害人協助辦法Regulations for the Assistance of Victims or Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking
113-03-29113-04-12內政部移民署移民業務機構輔導管理辦法Regulations on Counseling and Management of Immigration Service Organizations
113-03-26113-04-09內政部移民署人口販運防制法施行細則The Enforcement Rules of the Human Trafficking Prevention Act
113-03-26113-04-09內政部移民署人口販運被害人補助辦法Regulations Governing Subsidy for Victims of Human Trafficking
113-03-14113-03-28內政部移民署外國人申請永久居留無不良素行認定標準Standards Governing the Determination of “Lack of Bad Conduct” on the Part of Foreign Nationals Applying for Permanent Residency
113-03-13113-03-27內政部移民署外國人停留居留及永久居留辦法Regulations Governing the Visiting, Residency and Permanent Residency of Foreign Nationals
113-02-20113-03-05內政部移民署入出國及移民許可證件規費收費標準Fee-Charging Standards for Entry/Exit Permits and Immigration Documents
113-02-20113-03-05內政部地政司中華民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法(第18條修正)Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China
113-02-07113-02-21內政部國土管理署都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings
113-02-02113-02-16宗教及禮制司殯葬管理條例Mortuary Service Administration Act
113-01-05113-01-19民政司威權統治時期國家不法行為被害者權利回復條例Act to Restore Victim's Rights Infringed by Illegal Acts of the State During the Period of Authoritarian Rule
113-01-05113-01-19民政司二二八事件處理及賠償條例The February 28 Incident Disposition and Compensation Act
113-01-02113-01-16民政司地方制度法Local Government Act
112-12-27113-01-10民政司政黨法Political Parties Act
112-12-22113-01-05民政司地方民意代表費用支給及村里長事務補助費補助條例The Regulation on Allowances for Elected Representatives and Subsidies for Chiefs of Village
112-12-08112-12-22內政部國土管理署都市更新條例Urban Renewal Act
112-12-08112-12-22內政部國土管理署國家住宅及都市更新中心設置條例Act for the Establishment of the National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center
112-12-08112-12-22內政部國土管理署新市鎮開發條例New Town Development Act
112-11-29112-12-13地政司中華民國專屬經濟海域及大陸礁層法Law on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China
112-11-29112-12-13地政司中華民國領海及鄰接區法Law on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of the Republic of China